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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Kingdom Alliance Builders?
We launched to serve ministry leaders, and their leadership/development teams as relevant by providing confidential, experienced, and objective outside support. Through non-legal consulting and mentoring, we help leaders strengthen the skills, effectiveness, and value of donor investment in the charities they lead.
Most outstanding outside consultants must charge fees beyond the reach of the many ministries, apostolates, and non-profit organizations, and the very leaders who may need private consulting assistance the most. We seek to fill that gap.
How much do the services of Kingdom Alliance Builders cost?
Kingdom Alliance Builders sessions are $1,500. However, grants are available to those who are unable to afford a consultation.
Although we operate on free will gifts and offerings, we do require reimbursement for actual travel and out-of-pocket expenses. In order to help assist more leaders, ministries/apostolates, and entities in the future, the Board of Directors requests a donation be made to Kingdom Alliance Builders by those able.
Is Kingdom Alliance Builders a tax-exempt non-profit?
Yes, Kingdom Alliance Builders, a recently formed ministry/apostolate, is an Arizona not-for-profit corporation providing non-legal consultation and business strategies.
It is recognized by the IRS under IRC Section 501C3 as exempt from taxation.
A copy of the IRS ruling letter is available upon request.
Why were we founded?
In response to countless requests from leaders of other charities, apostolates, and ministries and their financial supporters and clients, Alan Sears and other “retired” CEOs and leaders have now embarked on a new phase to serve this need.
Where is Kingdom Alliance Builders based?
Scottsdale, Arizona
What are our qualifications?
Alan Sears has provided more than 40 years of successful experience as a servant leader and lawyer, most recently building a legal, world-shaping entity.
And it ranks in Philanthropy’s top 400 in income of all U.S. non-profits.
There are more than 1.3 million lawyers in the United States.
There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations registered in the U.S.
Of all of these lawyers and nonprofits, one entity stands alone on the legal front defending religious freedom and rights of conscience.
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF and ADF International), founded in 1993 as a Christian ministry, with less than $5,000 in startup cash, is accredited as a non-government organization before the United Nations has grown to a $60+ million annual budget. ADF has more than 250 employees, offices abroad in Brussels, Geneva, London, Mexico City, Strasbourg, Vienna, and affiliates in Delhi. There are over 3,000 allied lawyers in 41 nations, a network of over 2,000 other lawyers and law students who attended 229 law schools across the globe who graduated from the ADF leadership training program known as the Blackstone Legal Fellowship who are filling important positions in courts, law schools, major law firms, and governments in the U.S., Europe, and Latin and South America.
At the helm of this organization for 23 years, and who stayed on in the role of Founder for two more years prayerfully seeking to, “make his successor successful” was Alan Sears. Sears, who gives all credit for every accomplishment to God, cites the charity’s “theme verse” John 15:5, “Without Christ we can do nothing”.